Well no, I'm not an Extreme Couponer. But I do save when I do use coupons.
I wanted to drop in a tell you all about some great websites that I have found.
thecoupongirlz.com - I found this one yesterday. It has a lot of coupons and help to get you started on your coupon finds. THis lady was on Extreme Couponing and she is great. You can also email her to ask her a question. This lady knows what she is doing...lol
Great Site Check it out!!
couponmom.com - This site has lots of coupons. Great to get started!
coupons.com - I love this site. Not only has lots of coupons but also has a tool bar that you download that will tell you when there are new coupons.
walmart.com - Also has coupons
There is so many websites that have lots of coupons. And also check in your sunday papers.
Don't forget to check with your stores to see what there coupon policies are. They are all different. There is nothing worst then going in and picking your stuff and then not excite your coupons.
Found another great website.... iheartthemart.com Check it out great information on price matching and coupons for Wal-mart.